Monday, May 7, 2007

Epi Stick

This stick helps to remove facial hair and to make your face smoother. This is so much better than using razor blade.
Price: 8.50

imesily posted new product at 3:14 PM
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Tea Tree Blemish Set

The blemish set helps to anti shine, oil control, prevents pimples and outbreaks, conceal pimples and eyebags. It is so easy to carry along with you.
Price: $13.00

imesily posted new product at 2:39 PM
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Tea Tree Exfoliator

Highly recommended by Niu Er Lao Shi on Nu Ren Wo Zhui Da.
- Contains natural tea tree oil
- Gently and effectively removes dead skin cells leaving clean fresh skin
- Tightens pores and balances oil secretion
- Prevents blocked pores
Price: $18.00

imesily posted new product at 12:57 PM
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Red Wine Eyes Patch

Red Wine Collagen Crystal Eye Patch helps to reduces dark circles and puffiness. Prevent Refine Aging.
Price: $3.00

imesily posted new product at 11:19 AM
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Face Massager for Slimming.

Find your face chubby and wanting to have the sharper face?
Here is the solution recommend by Nu Ren Wo Zhui Da.
After your face wash, massage with the face massager for 15mins to relax your face muscle.
Price: $6.00

imesily posted new product at 10:35 AM
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